Spring calving is underway and lambing/kidding season is not far behind. While we hope for an uneventful season with minimal assisted births, here is a list of supplies that are important to have on hand for normal deliveries, as well as the unexpected.
Basic supplies:
Iodine for dipping navels
Colostrum replacer
Bottle and nipple
Restraint method for dam if assistance is needed - headgate, halter, ropes.
Clean towels for dam and baby
Veterinarian’s phone number
Advanced supplies (for more experienced producers):
OB sleeves, lube, chains, handles and a bucket for disinfection. Protect yourself from serious illness by wearing gloves and washing hands and arms thoroughly after contacting reproductive fluids.
Ear tags if tagging at birth
Bands if banding calves at birth
Selenium (prescription): Virginia soil is selenium deficient and it is common practice to give injectable selenium at birth to calves, lambs, and kids.
Tube for tube feeding
Calf catcher - can increase producer safety when tagging calves at birth
Vaccines - if recommended by your veterinarian
Prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, steroids, or oxytocin, may be practical to have on hand depending on the size of your herd and your relationship with your veterinarian.